Stone with Bishopstone and Hartwell Parish Council is made up of volunteers. If you have an issue that you feel needs Parish Council attention, please feel free to contact us by filling out the form here, which will be sent as an email to the clerk. 

You can also contact the clerk by phone on 07557 519060

Grounds Maintenance

Grounds Maintenance is work conducted by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council maintain the following areas;

  • War Memorial Recreation Ground
  • Stone Village Pond
  • Eythrope Road Cemetery
  • St John’s Sports Fields and Play Area
  • Whitechurch Close
  • St John’s Burial Grounds

The Parish Councillor responsible for Grounds Maintenance is Roger Cantle and he can be contacted through the clerk here

The Jubilee Pavilion, Stone. Bucks

The Stone Jubilee Pavilion
